Welcome from the Head of School​
Abraham Lincoln famously said, "The philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next." Martin Luther, centuries earlier, wrote: "I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not unceasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt."
Parents, both statements make a strong case for Christian education from kindergarten through college. For the Christian parent, sending your children to be educated by those who hold a worldview opposed to a biblical worldview subjects your children to ideas and a culture that undermine and are often opposed to the values you have tried to instill in them in your home.
Berean Academy believes that the Word of God is foundational to all that we do and teach. Here, the Scriptures do "reign paramount" throughout the entire educational program. We also believe the education of your children should be a partnership between the school, the home, and your local church. Solomon wrote over 2000 years ago, "Two are better than one and a cord of three strands is not easily broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:9, 12) Of the three "strands," the home is still the most important. The Christian school is an extension of your home and not a replacement.
For those of you who have already decided to partner with Berean Academy in the education of your children, we say "Thank you." For those of you who are contemplating that decision, we encourage you to take the next step and schedule a visit to our campus and explore the possibility further. At Berean Academy, the Scriptures "reign paramount."
David Funk
Head of School