Josh Brinkerhoff - Spiritual Life Director
Spiritual Life
As human beings, we are created within four main relationships that make up who we are and how we live: God and man, creation and man, man and man, and man and self. All of these relationships affect the other, yet our relationship with God can be argued as the most essential and influential relationship we have. Sadly, this key relationship is the hardest to nurture because of our sinful condition; we are born wanting nothing to do with God. That is why we rely on His grace and His Truth to transform us into his image bearers through His Word, prayer, and meaningful fellowship with other believers. Brean Academy seeks to create opportunities for students to grow into this identity together as you will see below.
Chapels are an integral part of the spiritual development of our students. It’s a time of corporate worship, prayer, testimony, and the opportunity to hear from the Word of God. Our speakers are comprised of community pastors and youth pastors, missionaries, alumni, college ministry groups, and staff members. Chapel messages are intended to extend what students learn in the classroom and encourage students to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ. Our desire is to see our students living out their faith with confidence and reflecting the character of Christ in a challenging culture.
The Berean Worship Team, leads students and faculty in worship during chapel. This team of high school students, chooses and prepares worship songs for weekly chapel. In addition, they lead full chapel services several times a year.