Resource Services
Berean Academy’s Resource Services provides aid to students in reaching their fullest academic potential in a prayerful, positive, and caring environment. Berean Academy’s Resource Services is staffed by trained and certified educators in the fields of Academic Language Therapy and Multisensory Math. The Resource Services serves as a vehicle for communication, support, and advocacy for parents of children with learning differences. Continued education of different learning styles and gifts for parents, teachers, and students is an ongoing role of Resource Services. “We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.” (Romans 12:6 NIV)
Discovery Program: (Serving students in grades 3-8) Berean's Discovery Program uses the National Institute of Learning Development (NILD) Educational Therapy® model. This model was developed to treat assumed, underlying identified causes of learning difficulties rather than simply treating the symptoms. The program is comprised of two 90 minute sessions per week. The goal of educational therapy is to help students develop tools of independent learning in the classroom and in life. Graduates of the program become independent, self-advocating learners who are able to achieve their God-given potential. Students who qualify for the Discovery program demonstrate an average or higher IQ that is not being reflected in academic work due to learning disabilities as diagnosed by testing.
Pull out times will be arranged between the therapist and the teacher. The Resource Room provides an accommodation plan which may modify or accommodate classroom work to meet student’s academic needs while enrolled in therapy. Therapists also work closely with the classroom teacher to ensure the best possible learning environment. This is a fee-based program.
Speech & Language Therapy: Berean students may receive speech and language therapy through Butler County Special Education Cooperative. This therapist works with students with both articulation and language deficits. An individual education plan is required to receive services.
Reading Therapy: Berean offers Alphabetic Phonics Therapy to elementary students. This two-year program is a fee-based therapy designed to bring students up to grade level in reading and phonics.
Multi-sensory Classes: Berean offers multi-sensory math classes on an as-needed basis when a student or a cohort group of students shows a need. These classes are taught using a multi-sensory (kinesthetic, auditory, and visual) method. This is a fee-based program.
FOCUS: Students can access the Resource Room on an as-needed basis for study helps, learning organizational skills, having tests read to them, or preparing for tests or projects. The FOCUS program is also fee-based.