At the beginning of each year, StuCo organizes an “Ice Breaker” for high school students. While it was over 100 degrees last year, God was gracious this year as several students came to school in sweaters! Our morning began with a great breakfast of pancakes and sausages cooked by the secondary teachers. (Thank you, teachers!) Then, to lose the calories we took in, StuCo organized a series of games, including dodgeball, matball, and dangerball. During the first chapel of the year, Makenzie Jordan (Christian Action President) challenged us to be serious in our faith and intentionally seek to grow in our relationship with the Lord. The afternoon was filled with more games, including the traditional tug-of-war (including the annual Wiebe vs. Busenitz match) and the “Trash Can Game.” Ice Breaker is a valued tradition that bonds the entire high school together. We especially want to express our gratitude to StuCo, whose ideas, attention to detail, and servant hearts created a meaningful event for our high school students.
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