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Spiritual Emphasis Week: Who are We?

Berean hosted Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW) on October 2-4. SEW is a Bible conference hosted for our junior high and high school students each fall. This year, a contributor to Worldview Academy, Pastor Andy Frye, was our speaker. We knew we were in for a treat right away; Andy went deep and communicated everything very well to his audience of young adults. He set the stage on the first day by delving into our present cultural context surrounding “identity.” He walked us through the modern and postmodern attempts to define who human beings are and their purpose. He also showed how society likes to use relationships, associations, accomplishments, and circumstances to define who someone is. By the end of the day, we saw how the lies of this world end in a hopeless, illogical mess. There has to be a better answer…so on day two, he presented the biblical truth that our identity is NOT determined by humans at all. It is simply determined by what God says about us. He dove into “image-bearing” and showed how it connects intimately with glorifying God and a life of worship–EVERYTHING we do makes visible the invisible God as His eikon (Greek). Currently, though, we are a damaged image that is enslaved to evil.  But through Jesus, the perfect likeness of God, we are made free to live the “abundant life,” the life that walks with God (abiding).  As we are sanctified by the Holy Spirit and our community of believers, the image is restored bit by bit to reflect Jesus Christ Himself.  The most practical way we do this is by love (dying to yourself each day in little slices…MORE than a feeling). A sacrificial, self-denying love is NOT of the world, and so it is the most powerful witness we have of God and the truth about what the good life is (God’s design lived out with God by our side).

The third day covered a specific area that our culture deals with, thinking biblically about the body and gender. He began by placing it into the context presented from the previous two days.  Modern and postmodern views say that since we are animals, it is a natural instinct to reproduce and pursue pleasure, and we have the right to feel good with no boundaries if we are our own gods.  Today, sex is no longer just what we do; it has become who we are.  But who knows us best?  Our Creator does. His design is wonderful and sacred, and it is loving when we speak the truth about it (with gentleness and respect), even when it may not make someone feel good.  He concluded by talking about God’s design of men and women and how it reflects God as the Trinity, unity, and uniqueness (which is also reflected in the Church as a more full representation of the image of God).  He also touched on breaking down “helper” and “leader” using Genesis 1 and the roles God blessed them with. 

Andy closed out the week together by encouraging us in our mission to not fear the world but instead infiltrate every area of life and culture as a rebel for Christ!  We have love and truth on our side!  We have nothing to gain, nothing to lose, and nothing to prove because of Jesus, so don’t just let people know what we are against - let people know what we are for.  Walk with God and love the images of God around you as we get to join God in his ministry of reconciliation. 


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Elbing, KS 67041

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