The third quarter always keeps us busy in the elementary department. On January 29, we stepped back in time to celebrate Kansas Day. On February 5, we participated in the All-School Service Day, where the elementary students and staff collected 265 cereal boxes to be distributed to the Whitewater Food Pantry and the So Shine Foundation of Newton. During January, the 3rd-6th grade students participated in classroom spelling bees to determine who would represent Berean at the 3rd-4th Grade Spell Off and the ACSI Local Spelling Bee for grades 5-8. Congratulations to Olivia Veer for winning the 3rd-4th Grade Spell Off held on Monday, January 27. The following students represented Berean at the ACSI Spelling Bee on February 7:
5th Grade: Janey Busenitz, Addison Friesen, Audra Friesen, Esther Quick
6th Grade: Emma Cusick, Mia Regier, Chloe Veer, Will Winzer
Congratulations to Emma Cusick, Mia Regier, and Audra Friesen for advancing to the Spell-Off round!