Theodor Geisel, otherwise known as Dr. Seuss, brought reading to life for kids, while inspiring his little readers to think creatively. Read Across America Week is in honor of his desire to see kids read.
We participate with hundreds, if not thousands, of other schools in our nation. Reading is crucial to a child's development, and we want to promote the fun that reading can bring. Most importantly, God has the most significant book for us to read, the Bible.
This year, the elementary students were challenged to log 10,000 minutes to have Dr. Nuce dress up at "Tad in the Hat" and juggle items chosen by each class while riding a tricycle. The students surpassed the goal by recording over 18,000 minutes!
Reading is a wonderful skill to have and there are many adventures that await us when we open a book. We also have the awesome privilege to find in God's Word WHO HE IS, and what His plan is for us! Oh, the places we will go with Him at our side!