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Berean Fall Carnival Community Event Success

Another fantastic evening of building our community was had on November 3. Lots of laughter, krazy hair, candy, and prizes were shared. Congratulations to Mrs. Hart! She rallied against Principal Nord to see who could raise the most funds for the elementary department. Students chose her as the winner with $135 raised, and she kicked off the carnival by having her hair made Krazy and her face painted. Thank you also to all those who stopped by to hear about our elementary expansion!

It takes a LOT of parent and student volunteers to do such a task, and once again, they rose to the occasion. It's exciting to see a a fun evening like this come together for kiddos of all ages in our community. We are so thankful to the many staff, teachers, students, and parent volunteers for their support and who helped make the evening a great community success!


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