Each year, our elementary teachers enter their student's contributions to the Family Alliance for Christian Temperance (FACT) contests. The FACT organization educates youth about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, through their annual coloring, poster, speech, and essay contests. Learning about these dangers helps children choose wisely when they leave our homes and continue their Christian education as citizens in their respective vocations and communities. Berean Academy placed well in the coloring and poster contest this year! Students earned a monetary price for their placings! Please join us in congratulating our elementary students on a job well done. Be sure to check out the pictures of their entries below!
Winners for the 2020 FACT Picture Coloring Contest are:
First Grade
1st place—Kate Friesen
2nd Grade 2nd place (tie)—Shaylie Ranfeld 3rd Grade 3rd place—Kei Leinbach Hon. Mention—Domenico Cooper
Winners for the 2020 FACT Poster Contest are:
Division 1 (Grade 4-6)
2nd place—Krista Busenitz
3rd place (tie)—Mason Alexander
3rd place (tie)—Kiera Mullins
Hon. Mention (tie)—Treighton Ranfeld
Hon. Mention (tie)—Addison Ranfeld