To serve those that are serving others, Berean Academy eighth-graders had an awesome day on Wednesday, April 13, 2022, serving multiple ministries in our Wichita and Newton communities. The first stop was Heaven Sent Ministries, where we partnered with them to prepare dehydrated meals to feed those struggling in Ukraine. We boxed 4,608 meals to be sent to aid the Ukrainian people very soon. Next, Heart to Heart International brought 120 boxes of hygiene care kits that our students transferred into shipping containers to be sent along with thousands of meals. Clinic in a Can will ship these items in containers that become portable medical clinics efficiently providing health care in troubled regions. If you are interested in getting your family involved with these ministries, check them out on the web. You will be amazed at all they do to help those in need.
We spent the afternoon partnering with Peace Connections in Newton. We split up into teams; one helped prepare for upcoming community projects, another team cleaned up around the building, and the third group wrote letters of encouragement to the incarcerated. This was definitely an eye-opening day of learning how we can help serve others within our communities and —a day when the students became the hands and feet of Christ.