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3rd Grade Wax Museum

If you walked into our senior high gym on Friday morning, March 4, 2022, you took a step back in time to see history come to life! You could stop and hear from people like Jane Goodall or Dolly Parton, who still impact our world today. You could travel back even further in time to hear from John F. Kennedy or go back to when Jesus walked our earth!

The 3rd-grade students spent time reading about a person in history, writing a report, and memorizing a one-minute speech. They dressed up as their historical figure (including some awesome wigs and beards)! They then acted as wax figures who stood still until visitors pressed a button that brought them to life! While you may have thought that Alexander Hamilton was taller in person, he was eager to share the highlights of his life and why he is remembered in history. These third graders worked hard to read, research, and prepare reports to share about their chosen historical figures for several weeks. They did a fantastic job presenting to the friends and family of Berean! We thank God for the ability to study our past and celebrate who He has used to shape our world!


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Elbing, KS 67041

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