The Praise & Celebration Banquet is Berean Academy's primary fundraiser for our Family Education Grant (FEG) program and will be held on Friday, April 11, at 6:30 p.m. The banquet annually brings approximately 600 guests ranging from alumni to grandparents and current parents - all interested in reaching the same goal: to make Christian education affordable so that our children may grow as scholars, disciples, and citizens in Christ.
The FEG is a donation-funded program that provides tuition assistance based on financial need. Families who apply can qualify to receive a grant of up to 55% of tuition. Our Multiple Student Discount is also funded through FEG. This means families with more than one student attending Berean benefit from the FEG!
The P&C Banquet requires many volunteers, including parents, staff, and students, to create a beautiful evening. You will enjoy a meal provided by our kitchen staff and served by many of our students. Our Honor Band and Choir will present numbers so you can catch a glimpse of our fine arts program. You will hear remarks from the Head of School, David Funk, testimony from Cletus Kauk, Class of '55, and a captivating speech provided by our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Everett Piper. He is the author of the national bestseller Not a Daycare: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth. Piper served as president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University for seventeen years, during which time he led his school from relative obscurity to a position of national recognition and influence. Piper presently serves as a contributing columnist for the Washington Times. His commentary on religion, education, leadership, and politics is featured in local and national media outlets coast to coast. Click below to RSVP today!