Hans Nickel - Athletic Director
Athletics at Berean Academy
What do sports and activities have to do with education, and what are they good for anyway? We believe they help students mature into image-bearers of God who are ready to make a meaningful and powerful difference in the world. This is accomplished as they experience what it takes to achieve their greatest potential in sports/activities, both as an individual and as part of a team, which impacts their spiritual, physical, emotional, and social development. As fundamentally categorized as "play" and recreation, this classroom allows a fun and more active opportunity for kids to learn:
their strengths and weaknesses and how to overcome weaknesses
what physical and mental abilities and character traits come naturally
how to do their best and keep improving
what it means to submit to an authority figure
how to understand emotions and respond appropriately in various circumstances
way to effectively communicate and better serve their teammates
how to work within a group that seeks to accomplish a common goal together
Our programs help train students with this picture in mind by emphasizing a lifestyle of consistent discipline, forming habits of best practices with their best effort whether they feel like it or not. We believe this discipleship tool is foundational in developing responsible adults who lead strong homes, churches, and vocations that work together to bring blessing and flourishing to the world.
To summarize, in order to achieve their greatest potential as image bearers of God through consistent discipline, sports and activities help students COMPETE hard and put full effort into something they really enjoy while building Christ-like CHARACTER in how they develop and perform, done within COMMUNITY and not as an isolated individual, ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD.
Upcoming Games
Programs Offered
Along with a competitive spirit we have run our programs to be inclusive, the same sports are offered throughout our secondary program, with the exception of golf, which is for high school students only. Over 80% of the high school student body participates in sports, and nearly 100% of our junior high students participate in sports. Berean Academy belongs to the Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) and is part of the Heart of America League (HOAL).
Boys Sports
• Soccer
• Basketball
• Cross Country
• Track
• Golf (HS Only)
• Clay Target Club
Girls Sports
• Volleyball
• Basketball
• Cross Country
• Track
• Golf (HS Only)
• Clay Target Club